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Dive into Tohu, where the currents of mātauranga Māori and contemporary design flow together. We’re not just a design agency; we’re navigators charting new creative horizons, anchored in the timeless wisdom of Māori. Our design philosophy is like the ocean – deep, ever-changing, and rich with hidden treasures. At Tohu, we embrace the fluidity and strength of our nation’s whakapapa, creating designs that resonate with the rhythm of the sea and the pulse of modern aesthetics. 

Ngawaka Group

Ngawaka Group exists to create and share value by leading the growth and success of high quality, Māori-led businesses, that also benefit and stimulate opportunities for Iwi / whānau.

Me He Whakarei E Tau Ana I Te Moana

Great beauty should be admired

Our Clients

  • Ranginui Fisheries Annual Report
  • OKT Banner
  • NZ Louvres Brochure

Let's get
in touch

Have a exciting project coming up and keen to kōrero? Let’s have a coffee!